Is there a school for casino dealers?

If you are like me, you probably sit down at a Blackjack table and swap a few Benjamins for a bunch of nickels and quarters. You stack your chips and count them waiting for the dealer to shuffle up and deal. But while other people around the table mingle and talk about their recent sick runs at the tables, their experience at so-and-so club last night on the strip, or which Vegas steakhouse reigns supreme, you’ve got your eye focused squarely on the dealer.
They’re good looking, but you’re not interested in a date. You’re interested in their job. You watch how they shuffle so quickly yet gracefully. You’re impressed by the way they cut the deck. You’re in awe of how fast they can deal out the cards. And you’re even more impressed by how fast they can add cards together and pay you out for wins.
How did they become so good? Practice? Yes, partially. But like any good professional, they went to school for it.
Las Vegas Dealers
The International Gaming Institute at the University of Las Vegas Nevada is a world leader in gaming research and industry training. From gaming rules to research on gambling and risk taking, the school offers one of the most in-depth dealer training courses. Of course, since they’re in Vegas, gaming is serious business. What else would you expect from a university located within spitting distance of the Bellagio?
Canada Dealers
North of the 49th parallel, you’ll actually find recognized post-secondary institutions that offer casino dealer training. The Casino Training Centre at Georgian College teaches a wide variety of casino games including Blackjack, Full and Mini Baccarat, Let it Ride, Caribbean Stud, Pai Gow Poker, Roulette, Craps, Omaha, Seven Card Stud, and Hold ‘Em Poker. But it goes beyond just dealing cards and handing out payouts. They also offer training in Table Games Supervision, Training the Trainer, Bartending and Serving, Conflict Resolution, Customer Service, and more.
Online Casino Dealers
If you want to get your feet wet and learn to deal games before you pony up the cash to take a course at an official school, try learning to deal your favorite casino games online. If you do a quick Google search, you’ll find all sorts of info on how to deal Blackjack, Craps, or whatever you’re into. We recommend starting off by playing your favorite casino games first. You can do so for free at Palace of Chance right now, so get your free account and have fun.