How to organize the best Casino Themed Fundraisers?

If the theme is casino, let’s write about it! And if the theme of a party is casino, let’s go for it!
Nowadays, it’s very popular to hold fundraising events with the casino theme. Why not? Fundraisers are necessary events that financially aid different causes. If people love casinos, the games, the environment, then why not host parties where you know that people will have great fun? Here are some tips to help you host your own casino fundraiser party.
- 1- To start in the right track, you don’t need a gaming license. It is legal to hold casino nights for charitable causes anywhere you like. You don’t need a venue with a gambling license either. The money made just needs to be used in charitable causes.
- Choose the right casino tables for your event. Roulette tables and blackjack tables are the most popular games and the ones that will generate the best winnings for your charity. Craps, Poker and Wheel of Fortune are the ones following in popularity.
- Choose the perfect amount of casino tables. Most casino tables cater around 10 people and they occupy a lot of space, so make sure your room is big enough.
- Selling fun money: fun money is the replica of $100 bills that guests can use to exchange for gaming chips at the casino tables. It’s suggested that the best is to have a temporary cash desk where a representative from the charity will have a stall to sell the fun money to guests. They simply hand over a set amount per fun money bill and then take their fun money bill to the casino table they wish to play on. No money is exchanged at the casino tables. The charity is the only one who handles the money.
- Winners don’t cash the fun money that they win during this event, because it’s illegal. It’s recommended that you offer prizes to the winners of the night as an incentive for playing more.
- Running a successful casino night fundraiser is all down to the generosity of those attending. The optimum length of time is around 3 hours but you can always make it last as you wish.
- Get sponsors! Companies and individuals are always open to publicly show their philanthropic side. For increased exposure they can brand the event too. Often sponsors choose to brand the cloth on the casino tables, the chips and the cards.
Who said fun and charity can’t mix? We didn’t! And, at Palace of Chance Casino we want to encourage you to mix your passion for gambling with humanitarian or positive causes that need assistance. Organizing a casino party in your neighborhood, the YMCA or at work, might be a fun yet gratifying experience.